Saturday, July 21, 2012

Review: So There

Did you ever fall in love..? Can you still recall that first time you ever voiced your feelings..? Or the feel when you are in relationship which is much more than friendship..? That fluttering of heart, uncertainty, anticipation, curiosity, and Fun is at the core of William O. Wing's fanciful romantic comedy novel, "...So There". This book is author’s biography; book is filled with authors rich memories coupled with his imagination which make this one of the best and most interesting story.

As the main protagonist as well as the story's narrator "William O." is just Eleven years old kid, he uses lot's of "kidspeak" and to understand it you will have to read "Kid's Dictionary", which is written at the beginning of the book. The best example would be, "Best … Better … Much Better … Far Better … Bestest." and you can use it like this, “When it came to smooching, Sonja was best, but Kathy was better, Brighty was much better, Bebe was far better, however, Carmen was the bestest smoocher in the universe"

"In everyone’s life there shall be a moment or two when time stands still and we see our lives move in slow motion for just a fraction of a second, and this telling moment may be good or bad … but it will be one that we shall never forget", and this is exactly what happened with William O, when he first met "Carmen Maria". Carmen is a new girl on the block, and when William sees her for the first time, he falls his head over hills for her. They soon become friends then family friends and before they know it they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Book covers various aspects of daily life of protagonists like their visits to Quacker Park, wills dinner at Carmen’s house, all the while they get to know each other. There's Dance, Will’s sleepover and then there’s Football match.

This story is about two 11 year olds, facing various adventures of their lifetime at the same time, they are going through soon-to-be-teens syndrome, which makes them attract towards each other. Some dialogues might sound too much forward for a eleven years kid, but if you ignore that, then this book is filled with lots of Fun rides. This book falls under the category of, "it's the journey, not the destination" books, which means it’s not like mystery novel where you solve the case and done it’s about how the life was lived. Through this book author gives message to Living lives to the fullest, which is what life is all about. Being happy, healthy and head over heels in love with the person that you plan to spend the rest of your life with … It’s called true love. And what can be better than this.

On concluding notes, I would like to share that, I really enjoyed reading this book. Reading this book was a fun filled experience. With definite character set and fluid writing style this book scores 4 out of 5.

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