Friday, July 27, 2012

Review: Fire Angels

Have you ever wondered about World War I, or how was the life of peoples, almost hundred years before now? If yes, then Joseph Richardson's "Fire Angels" is the book for you. In his debut novel Joseph, who himself is a former Army veteran of the Korean War did spectacular job of portraying the time period of 1920's and WWI. The book has lot of substantial issues to disclose to its readers.

Fire Angels is a Historical fiction which will take its readers on a journey, back in time in 1917. It is a story from a small rural town 'walako' in Florida. The story begins just before America’s declaration to fight against Germany in WWI. Story evolves around main character David Cooper and his wife Sara. How David had to leave Sara and his new born baby, to fight for his nation. How Sara struggles through her life while waiting for her husband David to come home, back from war.

Readers will see devastation of war, like friends dying; through the eyes of David cooper. Some of this story is conveyed with letters conversed. Book also gives special emphasis on changes in society, how war changes people and their thinking. How war increase prejudice and hatred within peoples. This book is every bit engaging and fascinating as any highly acclaimed piece of literature. Book further explores how black peoples suffered social injustice, and how some peoples who claim to be patriot or some sort of war heroes, with intention of their personal gain. Now David not only has his own prejudice to fight but he also must battle political corruption in his town.

"Fire Angels" is a gripping story; it will absorb you into the era long lost and will show you true meaning of War. The writing style of Joseph Richardson will occupy his readers mind into the story right from first page. Book is well paced and will definitely keep you hooked for hours. The title "Fire Angels" is justifiable and its reason is revealed at almost end of the book. There were some formatting issues with eBook copy, but were easily ignorable and they could have been isolated issues.

This book not just has a great plot but the execution of the plot is also great which made it one of the best books I ever read. There is great bit of detailing of the old days, for example I learned to start a war aircraft, isn't that cool? This book is a deserving candidate for 5 out of 5 stars.

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