Sunday, July 15, 2012

Review: Launch Out Into The Deep

"Launch Out Into The Deep" by Acacia Slaton Beumer, not only has a beautiful cover-art but also a deep insightful message for everyone. The Book is divided into 28 chapters which spans across 180 pages. Easy going language of the author makes this book a smooth read. Each chapter has at least one Poem (Each one is as good as the other) here's few verse lines from "Introduction" of the Book "Launch Out Into the Deep"

Fear not my child, for I am near.
I will wipe away every tear.

may not come when you want Him to,
but He’s the Lord Almighty, He knows what to do.

Look towards the horizon and you will see,
your path through the storm to your destiny.

Each Chapter in this book represents a Personal experience of author, with "The Supreme Power". Now this might sound pretty heavy but actually it's not, on the contrary almost each encounter/event is very practical and could happen with anyone. Each chapter teaches its readers a moral, which will help them to strengthen their will power, overcome depression, and will bring their life more close to spiritual enlightenment.

Acacia once said, "As we walk through this journey of life, we are going to have regrets and make countless errors. The issue is not the number of times we’ve made mistakes, or the number of times we’ve failed, but the lessons learned." So to learn few of these lessons without having to make a mistake you can read this book.

Although this book is heavily emphasized on Christian beliefs it will help anyone looking for answers. Let's look at a situation, in today’s world, where everyone specially teenagers are exposed to certain temptations, be it Alcohol, drugs, sex, greed anything.. this book will guide them to protect their virtue.

Few beautiful lines from the book which will emphasis this point:

Temptations come and temptations go;
if I resist the bait I will stand tall and grow.
If I fall prey to temptations then shame greets me;
an unwanted guest here to humiliate me.

Even the most prolific writer of all time Professor Issac Asimov once said, “The Saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."

Critically, the book is well written and stick to the point of being a road for upliftment of human soul, but somewhere along the lines author forgot to consider non-Christian readers, which makes all preaching of "The Savior" little hard to get used to. But that doesn't mean this book isn't for non-Christian readers, because no matter what you believe or if you believe, everyone makes a mistake and this book will help them to learn from those mistakes

"only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." - John Powell

So to conclude, this is a great book & as a reader I learned lot of good things from it. A sure contender for 4 Out of 5 stars.

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