Friday, May 24, 2013

Review: You and Me against the World

Have you ever read a book to which giving 4 stars, seems like a crime.. because you enjoyed it so much more than any other recent reads? well that’s exactly what happened with me while reading and reviewing this book. “You and Me against the world” by Raymond Esposito is “The” book for any zombie apocalypse or general End of the world genre fan.

Review by +SaNtOsH Misal
Book: You and Me against the World: The Creepers Saga Book 1
Author: Raymond Esposito

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Review: Visual Medium

Book: Visual Medium (How to Create and Deliver Your Most Powerful Messages on Video)
Author: +Susan Siravo

I have moved all my reviews to my new blog:
Sorry for the Inconvenience.. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Review: Get Published Today!

By +SaNtOsH Misal

Book Name: Get Published Today!
Author: +Penny Sansevieri 

Penny C. Sansevieri is a Founder and CEO of +Author Marketing Experts (AME) Inc., She is the author of five books and has been recognized as best-selling author. Book is named "Get Published Today, An insider's guide to publishing success." and that's exactly what author is doing in this book. This book is for all those who ever considered to have his/her book published someday.

Book start's of with little overview of Publishing itself and what better line than Don Marquis would have described it better, "Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo."

Looking broadly the book is divided into 3 Major parts. First part describes Publishing and everything you ever wanted to know about publishing is in here, this part covers topics from  knowing publishing and Best time to publish to a checklist for authors who wanna follow Self-publishing path. The Second part of the book is about making your book market ready like, determining Who's your Market.. and how to get best suited Name and cover etc.. and in the third part book talks about Marketing and how to get your book in the hands of prospective buyer. There are lot's of tips which will come in handy when you are taking your first steps in publishing industry as an author.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Review: Forget the past

Forget the past by Claude Nougat is a fictional novel, which portrays "Sicilian" history through Bellomo family. Author’s writing is exceptional, which makes every transition in story seems more than real. The story is gripping and incredibly detailed, there are few historical references character references, which makes story even more appealing.

Supposedly, the last descendent of Bellomo family, is a seventeen year "Anthony Bellomo" or more commonly known as Tony. Anthony is a Computer Genius, a born hacker for whom programming is as easy as breathing. He becomes a top notch games programmer and is a part of one of the hottest teams in the video games industry. But on one fine day Anthony's whole world collapses, he's facing burnout! He starts asking himself what he is doing, with life, with genius-ness bestowed upon him and when he couldn't decide the answer he quits his job and decides to visit Sicily and explore his family roots, as it was his father’s wish before he died.

Once in Sicily, first place Anthony visits is Bellomo palace, Ortigia. But as it happens it was turned into a museum, and there wasn't even a single portrait of any Bellomo ancestor. Too disappointed and hungry, Anthony tries to figure out way to his hotel, and that's when he sees, Circolo di Conversazione : Circle of Conversation. Natural curiosity and born instincts make Anthony to check it out. But once inside he sees things that he shouldn't have. There were peoples, lot's of them.. waiting.. and preparing for the Judgement Day, and when he tries to get out of there, he couldn’t he was locked in… and thus the story starts!

"Forget the past" has a very unique plot, which keep its readers hooked and wanting for more. There are comprehensive and complete subplots each with a key character, which describe their life before coming to "Circolo di Conversazione". Though this book is really attentive to various characters, but it fails to get its readers to connect with protagonist of the story Anthony, a bit more information about him would have helped a lot to get bonded with him.

So on concluding notes i would say it's a great read, and I am really glad that it has a sequel to it, as it is the first book from "The Fear of the Past Trilogy". And I am really looking forward to reading remaining two books, but for the time being this book scores 4 of 5.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Review: Fire Angels

Have you ever wondered about World War I, or how was the life of peoples, almost hundred years before now? If yes, then Joseph Richardson's "Fire Angels" is the book for you. In his debut novel Joseph, who himself is a former Army veteran of the Korean War did spectacular job of portraying the time period of 1920's and WWI. The book has lot of substantial issues to disclose to its readers.

Fire Angels is a Historical fiction which will take its readers on a journey, back in time in 1917. It is a story from a small rural town 'walako' in Florida. The story begins just before America’s declaration to fight against Germany in WWI. Story evolves around main character David Cooper and his wife Sara. How David had to leave Sara and his new born baby, to fight for his nation. How Sara struggles through her life while waiting for her husband David to come home, back from war.

Readers will see devastation of war, like friends dying; through the eyes of David cooper. Some of this story is conveyed with letters conversed. Book also gives special emphasis on changes in society, how war changes people and their thinking. How war increase prejudice and hatred within peoples. This book is every bit engaging and fascinating as any highly acclaimed piece of literature. Book further explores how black peoples suffered social injustice, and how some peoples who claim to be patriot or some sort of war heroes, with intention of their personal gain. Now David not only has his own prejudice to fight but he also must battle political corruption in his town.

"Fire Angels" is a gripping story; it will absorb you into the era long lost and will show you true meaning of War. The writing style of Joseph Richardson will occupy his readers mind into the story right from first page. Book is well paced and will definitely keep you hooked for hours. The title "Fire Angels" is justifiable and its reason is revealed at almost end of the book. There were some formatting issues with eBook copy, but were easily ignorable and they could have been isolated issues.

This book not just has a great plot but the execution of the plot is also great which made it one of the best books I ever read. There is great bit of detailing of the old days, for example I learned to start a war aircraft, isn't that cool? This book is a deserving candidate for 5 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Review: So There

Did you ever fall in love..? Can you still recall that first time you ever voiced your feelings..? Or the feel when you are in relationship which is much more than friendship..? That fluttering of heart, uncertainty, anticipation, curiosity, and Fun is at the core of William O. Wing's fanciful romantic comedy novel, "...So There". This book is author’s biography; book is filled with authors rich memories coupled with his imagination which make this one of the best and most interesting story.

As the main protagonist as well as the story's narrator "William O." is just Eleven years old kid, he uses lot's of "kidspeak" and to understand it you will have to read "Kid's Dictionary", which is written at the beginning of the book. The best example would be, "Best … Better … Much Better … Far Better … Bestest." and you can use it like this, “When it came to smooching, Sonja was best, but Kathy was better, Brighty was much better, Bebe was far better, however, Carmen was the bestest smoocher in the universe"

"In everyone’s life there shall be a moment or two when time stands still and we see our lives move in slow motion for just a fraction of a second, and this telling moment may be good or bad … but it will be one that we shall never forget", and this is exactly what happened with William O, when he first met "Carmen Maria". Carmen is a new girl on the block, and when William sees her for the first time, he falls his head over hills for her. They soon become friends then family friends and before they know it they are boyfriend and girlfriend. Book covers various aspects of daily life of protagonists like their visits to Quacker Park, wills dinner at Carmen’s house, all the while they get to know each other. There's Dance, Will’s sleepover and then there’s Football match.

This story is about two 11 year olds, facing various adventures of their lifetime at the same time, they are going through soon-to-be-teens syndrome, which makes them attract towards each other. Some dialogues might sound too much forward for a eleven years kid, but if you ignore that, then this book is filled with lots of Fun rides. This book falls under the category of, "it's the journey, not the destination" books, which means it’s not like mystery novel where you solve the case and done it’s about how the life was lived. Through this book author gives message to Living lives to the fullest, which is what life is all about. Being happy, healthy and head over heels in love with the person that you plan to spend the rest of your life with … It’s called true love. And what can be better than this.

On concluding notes, I would like to share that, I really enjoyed reading this book. Reading this book was a fun filled experience. With definite character set and fluid writing style this book scores 4 out of 5.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Review: Launch Out Into The Deep

"Launch Out Into The Deep" by Acacia Slaton Beumer, not only has a beautiful cover-art but also a deep insightful message for everyone. The Book is divided into 28 chapters which spans across 180 pages. Easy going language of the author makes this book a smooth read. Each chapter has at least one Poem (Each one is as good as the other) here's few verse lines from "Introduction" of the Book "Launch Out Into the Deep"

Fear not my child, for I am near.
I will wipe away every tear.

may not come when you want Him to,
but He’s the Lord Almighty, He knows what to do.

Look towards the horizon and you will see,
your path through the storm to your destiny.

Each Chapter in this book represents a Personal experience of author, with "The Supreme Power". Now this might sound pretty heavy but actually it's not, on the contrary almost each encounter/event is very practical and could happen with anyone. Each chapter teaches its readers a moral, which will help them to strengthen their will power, overcome depression, and will bring their life more close to spiritual enlightenment.

Acacia once said, "As we walk through this journey of life, we are going to have regrets and make countless errors. The issue is not the number of times we’ve made mistakes, or the number of times we’ve failed, but the lessons learned." So to learn few of these lessons without having to make a mistake you can read this book.

Although this book is heavily emphasized on Christian beliefs it will help anyone looking for answers. Let's look at a situation, in today’s world, where everyone specially teenagers are exposed to certain temptations, be it Alcohol, drugs, sex, greed anything.. this book will guide them to protect their virtue.

Few beautiful lines from the book which will emphasis this point:

Temptations come and temptations go;
if I resist the bait I will stand tall and grow.
If I fall prey to temptations then shame greets me;
an unwanted guest here to humiliate me.

Even the most prolific writer of all time Professor Issac Asimov once said, “The Saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."

Critically, the book is well written and stick to the point of being a road for upliftment of human soul, but somewhere along the lines author forgot to consider non-Christian readers, which makes all preaching of "The Savior" little hard to get used to. But that doesn't mean this book isn't for non-Christian readers, because no matter what you believe or if you believe, everyone makes a mistake and this book will help them to learn from those mistakes

"only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." - John Powell

So to conclude, this is a great book & as a reader I learned lot of good things from it. A sure contender for 4 Out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Review: Armando’s daughter

Armando’s daughter by R.J.Blute is a fictional novel depicting time period of late Sixties. Author himself was a teenager in late sixties and so is his protagonist, Armando’s daughter, Cassandra and now this might be my pure speculative instinct speaking but this must be the reason why this novel came into being. Writing style of R.J.Blute is good but can improve a lot with small tweaks.

One way to describe the main character, Cassandra is to tell you, she is Funny & have trait of acting stupidly or rashly and not just that she is way too much sarcastic, so no matter what reader think about this book but he/she is going to learn few great comeback lines of all time. The name Armando got that weight which without telling let readers know he's Don and would be something like good old Godfather, and that's exactly who he is a Sicilian Mafia. His contribution in the novel is not likely to arouse any controversy because he surely is an interesting character. Similarly Grandmother of Cassandra, Nonna, she is brainsick or to be more polite she is affected with insanity. There were times when I couldn't put finger on who is suppose to be brutal Grandma or Armando.

Cassandra’s mom's boyfriend is making indecent advances towards Cassandra so to get rid of him she sought professional help of her father Armando. Now the question is How would Armando punish him? Or would he? What would Cassandra do on her own? etc.. Fairly detailed, this book is 320 pages of entertainment, except for dialogs; they were way too much accented for my liking few lines here and there is one thing & on every page is exactly opposite. With a sigh, i told myself "Calmati" (calm down) and completed this book within a week.

Here’s a good example of dialogs, where Armando is talking with Eddie

 “Relax Eddie, will ya. I’m wit my muddah and daughter, fer Christsakes. Just get me a table, my legs are botherin me. And fer Christsakes, do not stick us by da shitters!”

This book is what you call average, nothing too flashy (except funny & gritty) nothing too feeble (except some highly accented dialogs). This book excels on point of having a good Plot to build a strong story but lacks on point of actually building it. So with that this book is 3 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Review: Exit

Book Title: Exit: How to Leave Debt Forever
Author: Nicholas Maze

In "Exit" author Nicholas L. Maze shows its readers the amazing amount of power that money possesses. Starting with the basic concepts such as, Money & Credit author lay down a foundation; on which reader’s new life to be a Debt free person will begin. It has been said that approximately 80% of the Americans (excluding minors) are in debt. 80% of this country is struggling with financial problems. To take those first few correct steps towards financial savvy life, this literature is important.

No matter what your current financial condition is, if you follow the guidelines given in this book you will find yourself benefiting from this book. Now there are people who will dress up as another sex, steal from friends, betray family, and perform sexual acts for money. That lust and desire to obtain great wealth alters our conscious But, having a love for money and desiring to be successful are two different things.

This literature is a format for becoming successful financially. Being successful is not about chasing money. It is about living comfortably and prospering, and to do that author has shown a very practical and easy to follow guidelines.

Author also brings out the topic of how many people fail to realize that, there is financial gain in debt. How some peoples who have their hands deep in the financial soil bid on increase in debt, because there is so much money that can be made from debt. as the book progresses author bring out, how small changes in your expenditure style can help you secure financial stability. And once you are financially stable, how you can cycle the money to watch your wealth grow. Later author shows how to spread wealth for this author gives classic fishing scenario: "If you give a person a fish, they'll eat for a day. If you teach that person how to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime."

This book was not written to be a meal ticket. This book was written to help those that are in a financial struggle. In author’s words, "It is the knowledge that one is able to pour into someone that brings the true success. Knowledge has no value. Knowledge is priceless." So at the end of the day if one is looking for a book that can guide him/her on the path of Financial freedom and how to generate wealth not just for yourself but generations to come then this is a must read.

Review: A Satan Carol

Book Title: A Satan Carol
Author: Alan S. Kessler

Penned by Alan S. Kessler “A Satan Carol” is a fictional horror novel, with very unique writing style this book shows its readers a plan/plot which spans centuries, this plan evolve around many protagonist each with their own story, but as the book progresses their individual story seems just a part of the big puzzle, a puzzle when solved will complete quest of The Satan himself.

“Of all creation’s bounty realized, God’s greatest gift, the gift by Him most prized, is the freedom He bestowed upon the will.” - Dante, The Paradiso.
These lines bring out the reason why god chose to give us Free will, but is it really why? Or is it because, Free will is the reason God can absent Himself from our lives without feeling guilty. Is free will a gift to humanity, or is it a gift God gave Himself? Freedom is useful if its compost for growing something new, and the Satan is using this freedom to create a new world where he will be known as The Savior.

Over the course of the book The Satan (a.k.a Mr. Green), using his charming personality manipulate the
characters, always acting from behind the curtains and pulling the strings so as to get what he wants, A Golden Soul.

The book deals with daily life of characters. How some of them chose the wrong path, a path against morals, path of wrong over right, they forgot the ethics just for the sake of some material benefit be it money, recognition or sex. But there were some people who despite all the lures, temptations sticked to the lessons of morality.

Book explains some people might delude themselves thinking their life gone all wrong because of the mischiefs by Satan but they forget one always has choice. The book contains some Animal mutilation, cannibalism because of which reader’s discretion is advised.

The book “A Satan Carol” has lot to offer but only to those who are ready, thus justifying it’s surtitle of being “A Spiritual Horror Story for Secular Readers”. As a reader I enjoyed the story and learned lots of things, one thing above all which I would like to share with all of you, “Family matters & Money does not always equates to Happiness”. This book is a deserving candidate for 4 out of 5 starts.