Saturday, April 21, 2012

Review: The Slut Always Rides Shotgun

Book Title: The Slut Always Rides Shotgun
Author: Dave Matthes

Here’s a book that will give you the edge you require in day to day life. it will change the way you think for sure. The book title might be misinterpreted and you might think this book is all about Cheesy romance but guess what that would be dead wrong. This book brought freshness to the whole genre. Frankly speaking I can't consume whole cheesy romance novel (never). As I picked up this book to read and read first few pages i knew this is something different . I don't think you guys will ever understand what i am trying to say here without reading this book.

Still let’s talk about the book, almost all if not all facts and were well written and presented. Book contains lot of talks about Day to day problems of Narrator, with emphasis on sex and Love. Author I guess is trying to show, the indifference between being in love with someone and simply loving them, because when it came down to the question of Love the answer with highest rating is Sex.

Here are few lines that I thought were very ingenious(kindaa),

"Angela's and my relationship as co-workers went something like that on a nightly basis; give or take a few verbal bites and nibbles. If I had it my way, I’d take her in the goddamn freezer every chance I got…but I wasn’t that cock-almighty to be able to maintain a boner dick-deep in below-zero temps. No fucking way. But who knows; I mean, I’ve never actually tried out fucking in a freezer. I might be able to pull it off..."

This book is kind of Journal/diary you keep if you are born with writers genes. Personally I’ll give 3.5 out of 5 just for sheer consistency of author's unique way to present the situation and witty statements in the book which made me complete the book in no time. But if you ask me, If i would ever consider it for second time read so the answer would be may be once or twice ;)

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