Saturday, April 21, 2012

Review: The American Challenge

Book Title: The American Challenge 
Author: Robert C. Etheredge

In the book "The American Challenge" author Robert Etheredge takes you on a journey where you will see very foundation of One of the greatest nation in world, America. This book is brought into existence to help Americans learn more about their country and keep the American dream alive. This book is well written and chapterised to help readers if they want to fine tune only specific areas of their knowledge, for instance If one want to know great speeches in American History then all they have to do is turn to Chapter 8 which deals with speeches from Patrick Henry (1773) to Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Woodrow Wilson and many others.

Book starts with History of America wherein author showed a Historical Timeline which is really helpful to analyze major events in past 1000 years. This timeline itself spans almost one third of the book. There after author gives briefs about Presidents, from First President George Washington to the current Barack H. Obama. Later in the book there are maps of U.S. ranging from year 1600 to current national parks. Then there is Founding Documents brief, a whole chapter on How Government works, American Heroes. Then there is a chapter on Histories great speeches from many influential Americans, which is followed by various Poems and Songs. And lastly there is a Citizenship test which will help to access information gained form this book.

On concluding note Author writes, "Our country needs an informed and active citizenry as never before. And that means understanding our history, knowing how the government works, and being familiar with the documents that guide our country. This should be a goal of all Americans, whether native-born or naturalized. New citizens are the building blocks of America’s future, and everyone benefits when they become participating and informed members of our society. Native-born citizens have an equal responsibility to stay informed about their country—a recent poll of American citizens showed that more than one-third of them would fail the U.S. Citizenship Test given to immigrants." - Robert C. Etheredge, The American Challenge. MiraVista Press.

This book might have been written to help native as well as immigrant Americans to know their history of America and help one to pass Citizenship test but that doesn’t mean that's the scope of this book. This book is for anyone who want to know more about one of the Finest nation in the world, it's history, it's legacy. This book is for any Enthusiast who likes America for what it is and what it once was. This book surely is a Gem in my collection and a deserving 5 out of 5 star rating.

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