Friday, May 24, 2013

Review: You and Me against the World

Have you ever read a book to which giving 4 stars, seems like a crime.. because you enjoyed it so much more than any other recent reads? well that’s exactly what happened with me while reading and reviewing this book. “You and Me against the world” by Raymond Esposito is “The” book for any zombie apocalypse or general End of the world genre fan.

Review by +SaNtOsH Misal
Book: You and Me against the World: The Creepers Saga Book 1
Author: Raymond Esposito

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Review: Visual Medium

Book: Visual Medium (How to Create and Deliver Your Most Powerful Messages on Video)
Author: +Susan Siravo

I have moved all my reviews to my new blog:
Sorry for the Inconvenience.. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Review: Get Published Today!

By +SaNtOsH Misal

Book Name: Get Published Today!
Author: +Penny Sansevieri 

Penny C. Sansevieri is a Founder and CEO of +Author Marketing Experts (AME) Inc., She is the author of five books and has been recognized as best-selling author. Book is named "Get Published Today, An insider's guide to publishing success." and that's exactly what author is doing in this book. This book is for all those who ever considered to have his/her book published someday.

Book start's of with little overview of Publishing itself and what better line than Don Marquis would have described it better, "Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo."

Looking broadly the book is divided into 3 Major parts. First part describes Publishing and everything you ever wanted to know about publishing is in here, this part covers topics from  knowing publishing and Best time to publish to a checklist for authors who wanna follow Self-publishing path. The Second part of the book is about making your book market ready like, determining Who's your Market.. and how to get best suited Name and cover etc.. and in the third part book talks about Marketing and how to get your book in the hands of prospective buyer. There are lot's of tips which will come in handy when you are taking your first steps in publishing industry as an author.