Book Title: Exit: How to Leave Debt Forever
Author: Nicholas Maze
In "Exit" author Nicholas L. Maze shows its readers the amazing amount of power that money possesses. Starting with the basic concepts such as, Money & Credit author lay down a foundation; on which reader’s new life to be a Debt free person will begin. It has been said that approximately 80% of the Americans (excluding minors) are in debt. 80% of this country is struggling with financial problems. To take those first few correct steps towards financial savvy life, this literature is important.No matter what your current financial condition is, if you follow the guidelines given in this book you will find yourself benefiting from this book. Now there are people who will dress up as another sex, steal from friends, betray family, and perform sexual acts for money. That lust and desire to obtain great wealth alters our conscious But, having a love for money and desiring to be successful are two different things.
This literature is a format for becoming successful financially. Being successful is not about chasing money. It is about living comfortably and prospering, and to do that author has shown a very practical and easy to follow guidelines.
Author also brings out the topic of how many people fail to realize that, there is financial gain in debt. How some peoples who have their hands deep in the financial soil bid on increase in debt, because there is so much money that can be made from debt. as the book progresses author bring out, how small changes in your expenditure style can help you secure financial stability. And once you are financially stable, how you can cycle the money to watch your wealth grow. Later author shows how to spread wealth for this author gives classic fishing scenario: "If you give a person a fish, they'll eat for a day. If you teach that person how to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime."
This book was not written to be a meal ticket. This book was written to help those that are in a financial struggle. In author’s words, "It is the knowledge that one is able to pour into someone that brings the true success. Knowledge has no value. Knowledge is priceless." So at the end of the day if one is looking for a book that can guide him/her on the path of Financial freedom and how to generate wealth not just for yourself but generations to come then this is a must read.